One Note at a Time
When I'm practicing something I've never played on the guitar, whether it be a new song or classical or chord melody jazz piece I try to remember that what I'm really doing is learning motor memory. I've read that we have two sides to our brains, one for learning and doing some things and the other for learning and doing other things. Now I can't remember which side is which and I'm not sure I care, but the fact remains. Observance and intuition tell me that when learning guitar, I have a logical part of my brain, and a musical part of my brain that play equal roles in the process; neither being more important than the other. I'm not qualified to get into a spiel on the psychology behind this, but I think there are processes where we use the two together too, and for our purposes here I'll call this aspect of thought the arbiter. (I started to say "judge", but decided that sounded so judgmental, and I try to avoid making students feel like they are being JUDGED[!]. . . picture me in black robe and long white wig and you'll understand).
The musical side of my brain is very strong willed and tries to get me to play even difficult passages "musically" right from the start. Many guitar players, myself included many times in the past, want to listen only to this side of the brain and start a process of learning that is not conducive to the kind of accuracy involved in learning motor memory. Call it The Whittle Approach. Practicing this way goes something like this: play something a 100 times and make a 100 mistakes. Practice it another 100 times and make 99 mistakes. Keep this process up and whittle the mistakes down to say, a handful. This actually can work to a degree, but experience and observation tells me that this process never really gets to the point where you acquire the confidence of playing mistake-free every time you do it (allowing for true human error of course). I may do it right when I'm feeling "hot", but not when I'm not.
Experience and observation also gave me the desire to look into the process a little deeper. Here's where the arbiter comes into play. Arbiter-Herby tells me to abandon the whittling-down method of Musical-Herby and allow Logical-Herby to demonstrate how it's really done. Forget the music for a minute. Logical-Herby knows that I can't play the second note (or chord) until the motor memory is locked in and truly knows how to play the first note. And he knows he'll never learn the motor memory required until he repeats it over and over slowly. Let me emphasize: S-L-O-W-L-Y(!). . . repeat this as a mantra for the rest of your guitar-playing-life. First note, second note. . . first note, second note. . . first note, second note, etc.
Here a beautiful thing happens: Musical-Herby (who is closely related to Show-Off-Herby) pipes in and says "Hey! I see what you're doing now! And I can do it better! (And he's right, Logical-Herby is a very uninspired guitar player.) Musical-Herby jumps all over the motion that he has just learned from Logical-Herby and plays it. . . musically! He says to himself "I see what you're trying to do here" and he does it with confidence and perfect intention. But beware, Musical-Herby also sets a trap here: he's not really lying, but he is mistaken. Musical-Herby now thinks, "okay, I can take over from here" and he starts back into The Whittle Approach. It's very important for me to allow Arbitor-Herby to jump back in and play his part, by passing the ball back to Logical-Herby and letting him do his thing. Second note to third note, second note to third note, over and over (again — S-L-O-W-L-Y) to build the motor memory that connects the passage. Then add the first back into the process: first, second, third (need I say slowly again?). When and only when, logic has taught Musical-Herby his lesson, Arbiter-Herby allows him to take back over and play it. This may seem like a bit much, but here's an important point. You are learning motor memory even when you don't practice this way. Motor memory has no opinions. If you continue to glide over the mistakes, it will learn your mistakes, and play them if you don't train it with great care.
I could go on here but again, you get the idea. Repeat this process and be stirred. Think now of what I said earlier about walking. Don't think "step-step-step". Think of where you want to go. Your goal. Where you want to go is to be able to play the piece in its entirety with motor memory firmly locked and loaded. Once you can do this, you can allow your own musical self to take over, play with confidence, and enjoy.
1 comment:
One who has never touched a guitar may be the best mistake-free player possible. Funny how simple it is that as soon as we touch the guitar for the first time, we pick up habits. (good or bad) Like Mr. Smith assures; SLOWLY is key!
If I could have started out with the intent of developing all good habits, I would have had to slow down beyond belief. Boring slow... But the result would be a much quicker learning curve derived from a solid foundation.
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