Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Don't Miss

House Concert
On Saturday, October 4th, we have a rare opportunity to hear two very, very good guitar players. National Flatpicking Champion Robin Kessinger will be teaming up with National Fingerstyle Guitar Champion Todd Hallawell for a house concert in Norfolk. I've spent part of the morning looking at their respective websites and listening to them on Youtube. Both come with plenty of credentials and a lot of style. Here are a couple of my favorites from the many rave reviews I've read:

“When Robin Kessinger performs, you can hear the ghosts of generations past joining in to help blend the notes from his guitar into the familiar strains of old-time-tunes.”
Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine

"Hallawell attacks his steel-strings with the precision of John Williams and punch of Jerry extraordinary fingerpicker"
Andy Ellis / Guitar Player Magazine

High praise.

Robin and Todd will also be giving a guitar workshop from 10:00 to 3:00 that same day. You can bring your guitar or just show up and observe. There will be a lot to learn and enjoy either way.

I've been to a lot of concert venues in many places and my favorite's have always been the ones that have a small, intimate setting where I can listen and watch up close and personal. What could be more intimate then a house concert, sitting on the lawn? (Bring a chair.) And with BYOB no less. This is an opportunity to see and hear a couple of great players up close. At 15 bucks it's is a bargain.

For more information you can contact Mark Rhodes at 757.287.2387.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Online Lessons

I came across another good music site the other day. This one is devoted to learning, is easy to use, and thorough. Here you can find simple lessons on the staff, clefs and ledger lines, note and rest durations, measures and time signatures, key signatures, major and minor scales, intervals, etc. It also goes beyond the basics and to more advanced theory:
Music Theory

This is a very handy little tool for learning the notes on the guitar neck. Test your knowledge:
Fretboard Trainer

The same site has an ear trainer. Knowing your intervals is a must for any type of musician:
Ear Trainer