I got a letter today in response to a guitar gig I did a few weeks ago along with my sometime partner (and terrific vocalist),
Dawn Newsome, written on behalf of the staff and Trustees of the
Virginia Living Museum (VLM). The event, the
Bacchus Wine and Food Festival, is an annual fundraiser for the VLM. Just approaching their beautiful building in Newport News, widened my eyes, but then walking through the front door gives one that sense of entering into an extraordinary environment. According to VLM Executive Director, Page Hayhurst, "The Museum serves more than 250,000 tourists, family members and school children each year," with "a contribution to the local economy [of] approximately $9 million annually." I can believe it. It truly is a beautiful place, with a fascinating website (linked above). I didn't get to see nearly as much as I plan to on my return trip.
The festival was sold out to 700 attendees this year, the wine was flowing along side a toothsome spread, and smiles were everywhere. On top of all this there was
live music(!) played throughout the museum's various rooms. I always enjoy playing in this kind of setting with people simultaneously enjoying the music and all the milieu has to offer. We gave out a ton of business cards, and of course I always like that.
In her letter, Ms. Hayhurst was kind enough to say that our performance "added another delight for our supporters" and that the VLM's development department has "added [our] name to the Museum's recommended entertainment listing." My thanks Ms. Hayhurst, and the staff and Trustees of the VLM. We loved it as much as you did.